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DuBard School for Language Disorders

Research - Reading and Spelling Grade Equivalent Scores

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First Grade 1997-98

Name of Project:  Statistical Analysis of Pre- and Post-Intervention Reading and Spelling Grade Equivalent Scores

Population: Students (n=22) in a first-grade public school classroom during 1997-98

Service Delivery Model: A first-grade teacher who previously had received intensive training in the DuBard Association Method® provided reading and spelling instruction using the DuBard Association Method® for a total of one hour daily.

Assessment Instruments: Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) 

Reading and spelling were measured on the WRAT at the beginning of the 1997-98 school year and at the end of that school year.  Statistical analysis of group average scores revealed a significant improvement in both reading and spelling skills following intervention using the DuBard Association Method®.

Range of Scores for Instruments: Grade equivalent scores ranged from pre-kindergarten to fourth grade.  For the purpose of analysis, the following values were assigned:

1 – Pre-kindergarten

2 – Kindergarten

3 – First grade

4 – Second grade

5 – Third grade

6 – Fourth grade



Pre- and post-test grade equivalent scores on the WRAT indicated that students enrolled in first grade in a public school classroom with one hour of reading and spelling instruction daily using the DuBard Association Method® made statistically significant progress in reading, t(21) = -15.85, p < 0.001 and spelling, t(21) = -8.83, p < 0.001.

 First Grade Students' Reading Grade Equivalent Scores on the WRAT (n=22)
Pre-test grade equivalent score mean 
based on above grade scale
2.05 = Kindergarten
Post-test grade equivalent score mean 
based on above grade scale
4.55 = Mid Second Grade

First Grade Students' Spelling Grade Equivalent Scores on the WRAT (n=22)
Pre-test grade equivalent score mean
based on above grade scale
2.14 = Kindergarten
Post-test grade equivalent score mean
based on above grade scale
3.82 = Late First Grade


First grade students’ reading and spelling scores showed a statistically significant increase in classes where a modified version of the DuBard Association Method® was used for reading and spelling instruction for a total of one hour daily. 



Jastak, J. F., & Jastak, S. R. (1965). The Wide Range Achievement Test. Wilmington, Del.: Guidance Associates.

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DuBard School for Language Disorders
118 College Dr. #5215
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

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