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When you accept and supervise service-learners, you are helping students connect classroom knowledge with real-life experience. Your time and contributions as a mentor and educator are greatly appreciated. Students Name:______________________________ Students Phone and Email _______________________________________ Students Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number: ___________________________________________________________ Name of Agency: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Agency Contacts Name, Phone and Email ______________________________________________________________________ Location/address of work: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Students and potential partners should meet to discuss and decide on the below information and sign the agreement, with both parties reserving a copy and forwarding a copy to ___________ (instructor email). Project goals and action steps (must have at least 3; specify responsibilities, projects or tasks): Responsibilities, projects, tasksAnticipated hours spentWhen during the semester will student work on this and what is the deadline for completion  Proposed date/time/place for student and community partner to have a midterm check-in: ____________________________ How will you define success for this project? 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